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What our Graduates say
  • I am so glad that I made the right decision choosing Campbell College three months after I arrived in Canada. Eight months later, I got my first full-time administrative job and pursued my professional administrative career. And one year after I arrived in Canada, I got a permanent job with a good salary.

    Jenny Su Graduate January 2013
  • When I came to Canada, I had a dream of working in an office. Everything changed when all the companies I applied to did not recognize my work experience outside of Canada. It left me with no choice but to do odd jobs for survival. I almost gave up and I had decided to go back to my country of origin. However, I realized that if I gave up I would deny my children a good life and a good education. So I just held on to my faith and wished that good things would come my way. Then I met one of the Campbell College’s students who suggested that I take the Administrative Professional Program. I researched the school, and after that I called Campbell College, and the rest is history.Taking the Administrative Professional Program at Campbell College has been the greatest decision I have ever made in my life. It changed my outlook of life. Now, the doors of opportunity opened up for me and I see a much better and brighter future. I am forever grateful to all the wonderful and amazing directors, instructors and staff of this school. Without your help and guidance, I would not be where I am now today. The school brought out the best in me. Thank you so much.

    Roni Gonzales Graduate October 2013
  • A GREAT GIFT FROM CAMPBELL COLLEGE I came to Canada in 2007. After a big battle, I got my permanent resident status in 2012. I started to work at a fast food store as a store manager, standing all day from 9-5, only with a lunch break. So I told myself, I would like to work in the office. After the research, I took a career assessment workshop to find out what I could do for work at Service Canada. Through the counsellor at ASSIST, I decided to take Administrative Professional program at Campbell College to start my new career in Edmonton.

    Candace Wang Graduate September 2013
  • I started working at a large management company after graduation, and my three month probation period is over. They confirmed with me today that I have a permanent full time position as a Documents Administrator. I am so proud of my school Campbell College and the instructors because, even with the language barrier I thought I had, I have been able to show my strengths by using what I have learned in your school. Thank you for the efforts you have made to create this success in my life. I will recommend Campbell College to anyone who is looking for success.

    Celine Bangoura Graduate December 2014
  • I am very proud to be a Campbell graduate. Currently, I am a City of Edmonton employee. I work at the Edmonton Public Library and love very much what I am doing. I came to Canada from Ukraine more than 4 years ago. There I completed 5 years study at University and worked as a journalist at the local newspaper for seven years. In Ukraine, I did not study English at all.

    Nataliya Vanovska Graduate June 2013
  • My training at Campbell College had been the best. In a 8-month period, it prepared me to become an effective Administrative Professional, gave me the skills necessary for the job, helped me develop a positive attitude, and provided me a great career. This I owe to Campbell College’s quality training, wonderful staff, and competent instructors who are passionate in what they do and who helped and encouraged me market myself. I graduated last April 2013, and I was already offered a job before I even graduated. Now, I am happily working with the City of Edmonton. Also, Campbell College is a great avenue to develop a strong network.

    Christine Tan Graduate April 2013 Administrative Clerk
  • Thank you to all the staff of Campbell College! No words can express my appreciation to you. Before I took the Administrative Professional Diploma Program, my life went down to the lowest point. It was YOU who helped me to rebuild my confidence and helped me to find my current great job with the Government of Alberta as a permanent employee. Thank you so much!

    Anna Li Graduate November 2013
  • The Administrative Professional program has been a great blessing to me. The modules are well thought out, and are very applicable. The Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) has enhanced my knowledge in computer applications. The modules on Office Procedures, Professional Development, Business English, and Math are of equal importance, and have provided greater knowledge and exposure for me on the Canadian way, as compared to the American way that I am more familiar with.

    Mercy Gutierrez Graduate November 2010 Human Resources Technician The City of Edmonton
  • Being a new Immigrant in Canada was a great challenge for me and my family. Five months after arrival and through our settlement advisers and friends, I was fortunate that I was told about the Administrative Professional Diploma Program at Campbell College since my working experience and certifications were not recognized when looking for work. The wonderful training at Campbell College, such as technical and communication skills, office procedures, my two months practicum, and professional development gave me confidence to go to work and contribute positively to the community. I recently landed employment at Edmonton Public Schools, and I am very happy and proud of this, with the help and guidance of Campbell College, I am able to pursue my dream of working in a school and to have a brighter future for me and my family. Campbell College, thank you very much for the support, and I hope that other individuals taking this program can also contribute positively to the growth of our community.

    Leilani B. Divinagracia Graduate June 2013
  • Campbell College prepared me for the biggest challenge of my life: Career change! The staff and instructors were like friends, and I will never forget them as they enlighten my future professional life, guided me throughout the program to achieve my goals, and taught me the skills I needed to be an administrative professional. The program was practical and all the textbooks and activities were focused on bringing the best in us and improving our knowledge of ourselves and the technical aspects and art of being a successful administrative assistant.

    Soraya Graduate November 2009 – Administrative Assistant The City of Edmonton
  • I came to Canada with two Bachelor degrees tucked under my arms, several years of work experience, and a determined spirit to be successful in this country I now call home. I thought these qualifications would be enough, but I realized how inadequate they were after six months when I could not get a job related to my education and work experience. Fortunately, someone referred me to Campbell College and its Professional Administrative Diploma–an eight-month program that truly changed my life.

    Mary Ann N Haylalapit Graduate November 2013
  • Congratulations to Campbell College’s staff. Look at where I am now!!!!!! I have moved from the position of Resource Room Facilitator, to take the position of Career Practitioner (CESI program) at the Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers. It is because of your hard work. Thank you for everything you did for me. Did you build my confidence? Yes, I think you have something at Campbell College that is capable of moving a thousand mountains.

    Adelaide Bekono Graduate September 2011
  • On my first day of class I was happy for taking this step, I was however, anxious as I had to quit a job to be in class. Even with such mixed feelings, I knew that enrolling in the Administrative Professional Diploma Program at Campbell College was one of the best decisions that I have ever made. I knew that because I wanted a career rather than a job, I knew that in order to make this dream a reality I needed to be at Campbell College.

    Qadra Abukar Graduate September 2013
  • If I hadn’t completed the program at Campbell College, I wouldn’t have found a job. Although, I have many years of experience as administrative assistant in Japan, I had no work experience in Canada. Through the diploma program I gained not only valuable technical skills, but also interpersonal skills and confidence.

    Naomi Kinoshita Graduate September 2012
  • As a new immigrant to Canada, I found that it would be a challenge competing for professional jobs because I did not have Canadian certification, work experience or work references. I decided to invest in Campbell College’s Administrative Professional program because I met a successful student of the program in church, and she encouraged me to take the program as well. I had doubts at first, but she told me what the program’s focus was and how the staff does their best to train their students. The greatest part of her story was that Campbell College prepared her get a job with the City of Edmonton where she had her practicum. I wanted the same training, too. I said to myself that I will not settle for a survival job in Canada for the rest of my life, so I resigned from my new job and had the courage to apply to take the program.

    Ronald Marinas Graduate June 2012
  • I really liked the Campbell College environment because they looked at the students as individuals and the quality was unquestionable. The instructors were well qualified, kind, supportive, friendly, and approachable. I gained knowledge in preparation for my dream job, I made lots of friends from different cultures and all the happy memories that I will treasure forever. I am happy to have been a part of Campbell College. All my expectations were exceeded.

    Connie Piosca Graduate January 2012