My life has been changing since I stepped into Campbell College. I felt so lucky to have found Campbell College when I was stopped at an intersection in my life. At Campbell College, I found the direction for my career development, learned technical skills, and professional knowledge from the wonderful instructors, as well as, gained friendship from all my lovely classmates. All of these things helped me grow, to stay strong and be happy. Thank you, Campbell College!
Campbell College is a wonderful place to learn, experience new things, and grow. I enjoyed my time there, learned a lot and believe that I now have all the skills I will need to be successful and reach my goals. Campbell College not only taught me the educational requirements to become a wonderful Administrative Professional but also helped me in all areas in my life to become a stronger person.
Five months after I arrived in Canada, I enrolled at Campbell College to study after many attempts to secure my dream job failed. When I started this program, I thought I knew it all because of the wealth of experience I had abroad. I enrolled to study at Campbell College because of the success stories I heard from previous students. While completing the program, even though the standards where high, I had high expectations to excel in my studies, secure a good job, and lead a fulfilled life. I have to say that Campbell College was the key to my success. I finished my studies and was hired by the company where I was sent to do my practicum. They saw the quality of work I produced and my positive attitude, good team spirit, and professional documents that I created, they felt they could not afford to lose me. I am happy to be where I am today doing the professional job that I have always wanted and representing the professional image Campbell College instilled in me. Campbell College is Perfection, Excellence, Quality, Unique, Amazing, Reliable, Vital, Friendly Wonderful, and above all, it is HOME. I could not have wanted to go anywhere else other than CAMPBELL COLLEGE. I LOVE YOU!
After being out of office work for some years, I went to Campbell College to update and refresh my computer skills. The teachers at Campbell College are highly trained and passionate in their work. What I learned there was beyond my dreams. They not only gave me indispensable tools to succeed; I also had a deep look inside my beliefs and concepts regarding work. I graduated from Campbell College shining, polished, and well trained with a high degree of professionalism. Thank you to the wonderful people working at Campbell College; you are truly the BEST, because you LOVE doing what you are doing.
Of all my adventures in life, being at Campbell College was the best! It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience with hands-on computer training, real-life situations, very intelligent, practical, and supportive instructors and staff. I learned a lot of technical and soft skills; I became the best that I could be. I gained accuracy, quality of work, and real confidence. Now, I will never be the same again. Campbell College is not just a college; it is the best learning place you can ever imagine!
Campbell College is not only a school for us to attend, but it is also a home. It is a wonderful place to learn about becoming an administrative professional. The staff and instructors really help individuals and give direction to us. The positive instructions have given me the power to face my future and any difficulty that could come my way. The five months in school were an unforgettable time in my life, and the two months of practicum became valuable experience in Canada. My thanks to Campbell College. I highly recommend that you attend this school to start your new life.
The Administrative Professional Diploma program at Campbell College has been for me an academically refreshing exercise. The environment is conducive to learning, the instructors are committed and close to the students; they truly care about them. This program teaches everything that is needed to succeed in today’s office environment. I was also delighted to become employed by my practicum host. For an Administrative Professional program, you cannot go to a better college…
I came from China as a highly educated individual, but I needed Canadian training and experience. I have been very grateful to Campbell College for providing me a great opportunity for professional training and getting a job suitable to my qualifications. The knowledge I learned from Campbell College was much more than what I could have learned from textbooks. I gained the skills and competence I needed. It started as my dream, and I have realized my administrative professional career. Campbell College was a turning point in my career and was a milestone of my new life in Canada. There are not enough words to express my thankfulness to Campbell College for my new life.
I came to Campbell College for the personalized instruction in computer software. Now that I have completed the program, I feel satisfied in the thorough instruction I received and I am proud to represent Campbell College in the working world. The well-rounded program has given me the confidence to re-enter the office job market with pride and self-assurance.
Campbell College has offered me the opportunity to continue my pursuit of “life-long learning” and the confidence to be a successful Administrative Professional. I applied at Campbell College because I enjoy helping people and I wanted to meet new and exciting people. The wonderful staff at Campbell College made it possible for us students with different learning styles, skill sets and ability levels develop to our full potential, and gain the most rewarding outcome at the end of our practicum. I especially enjoyed the enrichment gained by being involved in the exchange of ideas amongst the faculty, staff and students of multicultural backgrounds.
Campbell College is a wonderful place to receive the training you need to accomplish all your goals. There you get more than just basic skills in computers and business. They give you hands on practice through lessons and assignments, as all the soft skills needed to go into a new job with confidence and poise.
My seven months at Campbell College was the closest thing I experienced to the real working world as a student. Pressured deadlines in a variety of courses working with a group of individuals from different nations and learning to effectively manage our time and team dynamics in this setting was an incredible learning experience. Campbell College is the ideal school for anybody (young and old), small classrooms yet robust, intensive yet imaginative, intimate yet communal. The vision for Campbell College is to train and get people working with the best skills ever. The best testimony I can think of, is that everyone I meet and talk with, wants to attend Campbell College because of the results and skills they have seen in me.
Coming to Canada to start a new life is indeed very exciting and challenging. Getting a Canadian education was a great decision I made. After visiting six post-secondary schools in Edmonton, I decided to go to Campbell College. I have always believed that instructor-led training is one of the best ways to learn. With a multi-cultural setting, coping with the culture shock was a lot easier.
Coming to Canada to start a new life is indeed very exciting and challenging. Getting a Canadian education was a great decision I made. After visiting six post-secondary schools in Edmonton, I decided to go to Campbell College. I have always believed that instructor-led training is one of the best ways to learn. With a multi-cultural setting, coping with the culture shock was a lot easier.
The college offers a well-rounded curriculum aimed to develop a student’s interpersonal and technical skills. I received the “quality” training I needed to become highly competitive in the labour market. I learned how to have a successful interview. The program opened up a broad horizon of careers for me to choose from. My degree from the Philippines plus my Canadian diploma made me a very marketable person. Lack of “Canadian Experience” was not a problem as the two-month work practicum filled that gap.
A week after graduation, I accepted a position as Records Information Management (RIM) Administrator with an engineering company. In less than a year, my career has advanced quickly. I am now a QA Documentation Analyst with a biotechnology company. Campbell College staff’s personal and professional support during and beyond the program cannot be outdone. Truly, Campbell College is a school with a difference!
Shortly after graduating from Campbell College’s office training diploma program I landed a great job at Enbridge. It operates the world’s longest and most sophisticated crude oil and petroleum products pipeline system. I was interviewed two weeks ago for a one-hour interview. When the interview was over I felt I did a good job and sure enough, I got the job. The position that they gave me was cost management assistant. Thanks for everything and please extend my gratitude to Kate for she was instrumental in preparing me to answer those tough questions.
The training provided by Campbell College allowed me to get hands on training. The instructors are great and very helpful. The practice that is given helps in everyday life at work. The interview practice was the most beneficial for me. Training at Campbell College is a guarantee for students to get a job if the students put their full effort to it.
Small class sizes, one to one instructor assistance and a friendly environment. It was an exhilarating experience!
I went to Campbell College thinking that I was going to learn computers, however, after my stay was over I realized that I had learned so much more. Campbell College is like no other place of learning. The instructors always went the extra mile to ensure that I was ready for the working world in every way needed. They challenged me where I needed challenging, they lifted up when I was down and they taught me how to be more open minded not only within the workplace but within myself. I believe that I was meant to attend this program. My experience in other schools has been kind of stale but not this one! It is very exciting and I saw that they could teach anyone. It doesn’t matter where you’re from, how old you are, what your gender is…they know what is needed for you to succeed. It has been two years since I attended Campbell College and every once in a while I need their help…and they are always there for me. Attending this program changed my life forever and I still continue to learn. Thank you, everyone at Campbell College…I won’t ever forget!
As a new immigrant of Canada, I did not have much confidence to work in an office environment. Because of my training at Campbell College, I am now doing the job that I love. The hands-on based training at Campbell College is extremely effective, I learned a lot by actually doing it rather than by just reading it. Studying at Campbell College turned out to be the best decision I’ve ever made. Not only did it enhance my computer skills that made me marketable, but it also led me into the career that I really enjoy.
As a new immigrant of Canada, I did not have much confidence to work in an office environment. Because of my training at Campbell College, I am now doing the job that I love. The hands-on based training at Campbell College is extremely effective, I learned a lot by actually doing it rather than by just reading it. Studying at Campbell College turned out to be the best decision I’ve ever made. Not only did it enhance my computer skills that made me marketable, but it also led me into the career that I really enjoy.
I would definitely recommend Campbell College for anyone who wants to have a promising office career. I am still in the same work place that Campbell College placed me for my practicum. The only difference is that I am now permanent and continue to enjoy what I do. Thanks to Campbell College! I really enjoyed the multi-cultural class at Campbell College. Gaining knowledge with technical stuff and learning various cultures of the world is an amazing experience. I salute all the teachers at Campbell College! They do an excellent job in preparing students to get into the labour market with such a rich knowledge. They provided me with the tools that I needed. Just like I’ve said in my grad speech, “Campbell College staff played a major role in shaping my Canadian world-view. They foster the importance of self respect and confidence that we can do anything we want if we believe we can.”
I had a wonderful time at Campbell College while I was completing my diploma program. This diploma has helped me in the labour market to effectively get the job I want. The environment was great and the instructors were knowledgeable, helpful and concerned with our success. My thanks to Campbell College.